New Decade, New Year, New Me?

Here I go again. Today is the first day of the somewhat obligatory New Year diet. You may remember I managed to lose over a stone and a half between June and August last year. Unfortunately, what happened between September and now was that I’ve put a stone of that weight back on again…so today sees me return to the scales, and the diet. This means once again I am giving up booze and chocolate for the foreseeable future. I managed 66 days without either last year so I am aiming to better that this year. I know some people would say why give it up all together, it’s all about moderation. Not for me it isn’t; I’m an all or nothing kind of girl. My mind doesn’t know the meaning of moderation you see. I can do complete abstinence without too much bother but give me a bar of chocolate and ask me to only eat one piece and there’s no chance! And as far as booze goes, I’ve always been a binge drinker in the finest British tradition. One glass of wine you say? Well what’s the point of that??

The other issue is exercise, of which I have done next to none since September. For this I blame starting at university and the total disruption to my routine that this brought. Oh, and also my laziness of course. So this week I will also head back to my dance classes. I have to do this before I go on my next school placement in five weeks because I know if I leave it until then I’ll never go back. 

At the moment I’ve got no comedy trips planned any time in the near future, I’ve got no parties to go to, and no imminent celebrations; which is all a bit dull for me, but also means I have no excuses not to get my arse in gear and my body back on track.

So there we are, maybe 2010 will finally be the year I conquer my food demons. It’s unlikely, I can but hope. And I have a bridesmaid’s dress to look awesome in this April and for now that is motivation enough.

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